Brian’s World Series
Travel books can very often be tedious or even soporific, especially when they reflect the observations of a middle-aged traveler, such as, for example, Brian. It is fortunate, then, that the series of travel books, which together constitute ‘Brian’s World’, are not anything like conventional travel books and are a source of stimulation rather than of boredom or sedation. This is because they are written as works of humour as well as works of record. They do inform – especially with respect to the wildlife and the ‘feel’ of the country being visited – but, through Brian’s somewhat jaundiced perspective, they also amuse, entertain, provoke, inspire and sometimes taunt, incense or even offend.
So, if you want a travel book that will make you laugh and make you think, as well as describing to you, encounters with both wildlife and human-life, then the Brian’s World books are for you.

Brian on the Brahmaputra

A Syria Situation


Cape Earth

Strip Pan Wrinkle

Crystal Balls and Moroccan Walls

Marmite, Bites and Noisy Nights (in Zambia)

The Country-cides of Namibia and Botswana

First Choose Your Congo

Absolutely Galápagos

Melanesia, Melancholia and Limericks