Brian on the Brahmaputra is a day-by-day account of an actual wildlife expedition to Assam, by means of a boat trip down the Brahmaputra, and the extension to this...
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A Syria Situation is another day-by-day account of a wildlife expedition presented in the same style as that of Brian on the Brahmaputra. It therefore features Brian and his...
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Sabah-taged is a further day-by-day account of an expedition made by Brian (of Brahmaputra fame), together with his wife Sandra – this time to the Sabah province of Borneo....
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Cape Earth is yet another day-by-day account of an expedition made by Brian (of Brahmaputra fame), together with his wife, Sandra, this time to the ten-island archipelago of Cape...
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Strip Pan Wrinkle (in Namibia and Botswana) is an account of a five-week expedition made by Brian (of Brahmaputra fame) and his wife, Sandra, as they drive their Land...
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Crystal Balls and Moroccan Walls is another irreverent and provocative account of an expedition made by Brian and his wife, this time to that part of Morocco that lies...
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Marmite, Bites and Noisy Nights (in Zambia) is another day-by-day account of an expedition made by Brian and his wife, Sandra, this time to the South Luangwa and Lower...
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The Country-cides of Namibia and Botswana is a day-by-day account of Brian and Sandra’s three-thousand-mile trip around Namibia and Botswana – used as a vehicle to indict mankind in...
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First Choose Your Congo is a day-by-day account of Brian and Sandra’s expedition to the Dark Heart of Africa. It is also a brief account of the history of...
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As was only too apparent to Mr Charles Darwin, the Galápagos Archipelago is unique. Nowhere else in the world has a genesis, a history and a flora and...
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Despite Brian’s longstanding aversion to cruises, there was no way he could pass up the opportunity to join an ‘expedition cruise’ to Melanesia. After all, this little known corner...
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Neither Brian nor Sandra knew whether there was a longer palindrome than ‘a man a plan a canal Panama’, but they did know that the country in this palindrome...
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